Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer flowers reflecting my mood

This week, as the early summer days are very hot, my son Tuan is going to take his 3-month summer holiday, and I myself have been doing quite progressively with the new treatment course for my voice, my mood is good in general but has various tones throughout the day. In the morning until midday, I often feel rather hot inside, making my spirit more active.

Especially when receiving good comments and friendly greetings from new friends, I even feel more energetic and cheerful like these images of Flambuoyants.

However, toward late afternoon, as the sunshine is lighter and lighter, and then replaced by the night falling, my mood becomes much cooler and calmer just like the following images of Lotus.

Anyway, now I don't have to worry about Tuan's study for at least some weeks ahead because I have agreed with my son to let him relax and play freely until mid June.

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